There’s a new weight loss supplement called “Ultra Omega Burn” that’s been getting a lot publicity lately, so I wanted to right up a quick review to give you guys my opinion on it…
Personally I’ve struggled with my weight since my late 20s and I can tell you it’s no walk in the park!
Over these last 15 years or so I’ve tried all kinds of different diets, exercise plans, and supplements, so I have some pretty strong opinions on this subject.
I’m going to try to keep this post as brief as possible, so I won’t be sharing my thoughts on nutrition or exercise, but I will say that when it comes to weight loss supplements there is a lot of garbage out there!
In the review below I’ll be going over what exactly Ultra Omega Burn is, how it works, how it stacks up against similar supplements, pros and cons of taking it, as well as safety information regarding possible side-effects, and then finish up by sharing my own thought on how it stacks up against other fat burning supplements for weight loss.
This is a review – Click Here for the Official Ultra Omega Burn website…
Table of Contents
What Is Ultra Omega Burn?

Ultra Omega Burn is nutrional supplement containing pure Omega 7, which is also known as palmitoleic acid. This product was created by a apparently very well known researcher named Derek Evans who wanted to create the world’s highest quality Omega 7 supplement.
If you aren’t familiar with Omega 7 it’s a type of Omega fatty acid, like Omega 3s which are much better known and are also recommended for a whole host of health benefits.
The exciting thing about Omega 7 is that studies have shown that at the proper dosage it sends a signal to your body’s fat cells – telling them to open up and release their stored fat.
The buzz about this stuff has really kicked off. I guess after Dr. Oz featured it on his show, discussing an experiment done with rats in Australia the demand for this Omega 7 has been increasing extremely rapidly.
How Does Ultra Omega Burn Work?
As I mentioned above, Omega 7 molecules can apparently trigger substantial fat loss by getting your body’s fat cells to talk to each other and to signal that they should start to “open up” and release their stored fat.
Apparently it can also send messages to cells muscles and organ cells, forcing them to use up or “burn” this released fat for energy.
How Does Ultra Omega Burn Stack Up?
There are a few things that would suggest that Ultra Omega Burn is superior to other Omega 7 supplements:
First there’s the fact that it’s free of dangerous “palmitic acid” which is apparently found in the majority of Omega 7 supplements. Now I’m no expert on palmitic acid, but if the World Health Organizations claims it can be dangerous to you heart, I’m inclined to stay away!
And just to clarify – “palmitoleic acid” is the good stuff, and “palmitic acid” is the bad stuff. So, with Ultra Omega Burn you are able to get the healthy Omega 7s, without ingesting the unhealthy palmitic acid.
The other critical benefit of Ultra Omega is that it is produced using a a cold press extraction method. This is very important because when you use heat in the oil extraction process you end up destroying the Omega 7s and potentially causing the oil to become rancid. This is why good olive oil always says “cold pressed.”
And finally there is the fact that Ultra Omega Burn can only be ordered from the company website here. This way you are insured that the product is totally fresh and hasn’t been sitting around in some store or fulfillment center going rancid on the shelf!
Ultra Omega Burn Safety & Side Effects:
Because Ultra Omega Burn is an all natural product created using a natural cold press extraction method it should be completely safe with no negative side effects having been reported.
Pros & Cons:
PRO #1 – Proven Science. A lot of supplements, and weight loss supplements in particular like include exotic ingredients that the manufacturers like to make wild claims about. Ultra Omega Burn on the other hand is simply a pure Omega 7 supplement, and there is plenty of evidence that Omega 7 can do what they say it does.
PRO #2 – Additional Benefits Of Omega 7. I haven’t even talked about all of the other benefits of a good Omega 7 supplement besides weight loss. Apparently research suggests that Omega 7 can also be good for your skin by getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines, hydrating dry skin, and improving your skins elasticity. It’s also been shown to reduce insulin resistance, so it could in theory help those that are pre-diabetic, or diabetic to normalize their blood sugar levels. And not only that – according to the company it can heal inflammation
in your digestive tract, which can help with IBS, and the list just goes on from there!
PRO #3 – Pure, Fresh, Non-Degraded Omega 7 with no palmitic acid. I don’t know about you, but when I’m taking supplements its very important top me that they are safe, and made with the best possible ingredients from the best possible sources. As far as I can tell Ultra Omega Burn is the only Omega 7 product that provides this level of quality.
PRO #4 – Free Bonus Products. A cool thing I didn’t mention earlier is that when you order Ultra Omega Burn they also give you two free reports “Deserts and Sweets for a Flat Stomach” and “Hormone Secrets To Weight Loss”. The dessert one has some tasty recipes, and the other one has some pretty amazing info on nutritional tweaks you can make to make you fat loss happen even faster.
PRO #5 – Proven Product. This product has produced some very impressive testimonials from customers who have lost weight.* You can read some of the success stories here.
CON #1 – Not The Cheapest. Realistically there are cheaper Omega 7 supplements on the market. That being said you get what you pay for, and you’re not going to be able to get a fresh, pure, palmitic-acid free Omega 7 supplement any cheaper than this. Furthermore, Ultra Omega Burn is by my standards a very affordable supplement, its just not “bargain basement” cheap.
My Thoughts & Recommendations On Ultra Omega Burn…
Because the potential benefits of Omega 7 go so far beyond weight loss its pretty clear to me that this is a supplement that can benefit just about anybody.
That said, particularly if you are looking to lose weight it is definitely something I would recommend, the science behind this stuff is pretty amazing. And worst case scenario there is a 365 day Money Back Guarantee!
In my opinion that makes this product a complete no-brainer.
Ultra Omega Burn is only available through the official website. (Special Discount Link Below)
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