Hey guys, today I’m going to talk about a new program called “Thought Elevators” that has created quite a stir in the personal development world in recent days. The program is all about “fine-tuning” your mind so that you can become more creative, and find the success that you are looking for in life.
This is a review – Click Here for the Official Thought Elevators website…
While I often talk about success, business strategies and the like, I really haven’t gone into any detail on the importance of personal development and meditation as it relates to success. This is a real passion of mine, so I thought it was about time to start sharing my thoughts with you as well as posting reviews of programs that I recommend for fixing up your thinking so that you can get what you wnat in life.
Which brings us to Eric Taller’s Thought Elevators program…
I’ll start my discussing a bit about the science behind how the program works, and then give a rundown of what you get with this program and then finish up with my personal thoughts and recommendation on who I think will benefit most from using this system.
Table of Contents
What is the “Theta State” and how can it help?
If you have studied the way that your brain works at all, then you may have heard about the various brain wave frequencies that we all experience.
Two of the better known ones are the alpha and beta states… Beta brain waves are associated with our normal waking conscious state, whereas Alpha brain waves occur when we are deeply relaxed. Many spiritual types recommend spending more time in an Alpha state, as it is shown to reduce stress and improve your visualization, memory, and concentration skills. There are also the little known Gamma waves and Delta waves which we experience during deep sleep.
Theta waves on the other hand are the deep meditation waves that are present during REM sleep as well as of course during deep meditation.
The thing is that most people never really get to consciously experience the Theta state or reap its benefits, because most people don’t meditate enough to enter this deep a realm while they are awake, so the only time they go into Theta is when they are sleeping.
That’s a shame, because our mind’s deepest programming is at the Theta level and it’s a place you can experience amazing visualizations, powerful insights, and basically rewire your brain to manifest the life you want.
I know, if you aren’t already deep into personal development then the idea of “manifesting” can seem a bit woo-woo, but the more you get into this stuff the more you will see that the most successful people in the world are VERY into meditation and the like. On his site, Taller talks about how people like Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, and Richard Branson used this secret themselves as a way to tap into their own creativity and personal power.
So, definitely give it a chance it you aren’t already into it…
Details On The Thought Elevators Program…
Basically the idea behind the Thought Elevators system is to give you a way to achieve your dreams, and get the things you want in life – easily – without doing a lot of repetitive needless work that gets you nowhere.
Unlike Alpha State Meditation, which is what most people do when they try to meditate, Theta State Meditation allows you to basically hypnotize your own mind. In this state your brain becomes pliable like a lump of wet clay, so you can mold it, and reprogram your subconscious be more positive, determined, and creative.
You might be thinking that this sounds tricky or complicated, but the cool thing about this is that Eric Taller (the guy who created the program) put together a couple simple tools that do the work for you, so it’s not like you need to figure this stuff out on your own. In fact it is so simple to use that Eric refers to his system as his “lazy man’s” shortcut for transforming your life!
What You Get Exactly:
Inside the program you get access to 9 individual “Thought Elevator” designed to help you reprogram your mind in relation to the most important aspects of life including: Wealth and Money, Relationships, Attracting Your Ideal Partner, Health And Healing, Energy, Achieving Your Ideal Weight, Accelerated Learning, Anxiety And Stress Relief, and Business Success…
To use the program you simply go through 4 steps Eric has laid out…
This is the ingenious thing about the program IMHO. I’ve seen a ton of “manifesting programs” and meditation guides, but I really have never seen anything like this that is so clear cut and makes so much sense.
The steps are basically to clear your mind and go in what Eric calls the “Clean Slate Mind”. Then yo “Prime the Positivity Pump”, and go into “Daytime Dreaming” Visualization Techniques. Again, I have tried a lot of different visualization techniques over the years, but this was new to me. I guess Eric learned about these techniques in a small monastery in East Asia, so that is probably why they are not exactly well known.
These visualization techniques help you avoid a specific visualization mistake Eric talks about that keeps people from entering the Theta State, so they are pretty important.
Then you get on the “Elevator to the Theta State” – which eases you deep into your mind, bringing you to the Theta State where your mind reshapes and you can to begin to attract success and manifest your desires.
And the cool part is that this is all passive on your part, you simply what a 3 minute movie and then but on the Theta audio track in the background and let it go to work!
Currently the program is also coming with a collection of bonus trainings, including: “Success While You Sleep” Meditation Tracks, a special report entitled, “How to Plant a Money Tree”, a guide on “Recognizing Your Soul-mate”.
My Recommendation…
I have been studying manifesting, success, and personal development for many years now. i’ve been through many programs, and usually I am content if I am able to find just only “gold nugget” of wisdom that I can use to make a positive change in my life. that said, most of them are rehashed and incomplete info.
Thought Elevators on the other hand is a truly comprehensive system. The course is backed up by tons of brain wave research from Stanford University, as well as thousands of years of practice in East Asia.
But the important thing is that it works. It has everything you need to sit down and quickly get yourself into the Theta state that is necessary to start reshaping your mind.
All in all it is an amazing system, that I think anyone interest in success and personal development would benefit greatly from! Click Here to Download he Thought Elevators Program Now!
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