Well, there’s a new product for men that just came out, and if you are single dude who isn’t getting as much attention from the ladies as you might like to be, then you definitely will want to check this one out! It’s called “The Obsession Formula”, and its from a guy named Adam Lyons who is well known as one of the top pick-up artists/dating coaches in the world.
Click Here for the Official Obsession Formula Website…
(Note: this review is about The Obsession Formula by Adam Lyons, if you are looking for Kate Spring’s Obsession Method, click here)
Before checking out the program I looked into this Adam Lyons guy a bit and shockingly he actually has two hot looking live in girlfriends at the moment. I guess there was an interview they did that went pretty viral since this is quite an unusual set-up. It’s the kind of thing that a lot of guys fantasize about… I mean seriously, most guys I know would be happy with one hot girlfriend tending to their every need, but two? I think this dude definitely has some knowledge that man benefit mankind 🙂
Anyhow – In this review I will start off by looking at the main idea behind Adam’s Obsession Formula and how it actually works in real life situations, I’ve been testing it… Then, I’ll briefly go over the main things that you will learn in the program and all of the things that you get with it. Then I’ll wrap up by giving my personal opinion on Adam’s methods and my recommendation as far as what type of guy this program might be best suited for…
Table of Contents
The Basic Facts On Adam Lyons’ Program…
One of the things that sets this program apart from the pack is that its all about getting a woman “obsessed” with you, rather than just getting her to be willing to date you or whatever. And there are obviously some definite benefits to getting a woman to feel obsession. For example, when a woman is obsessed you don’t need to worry about her losing interest or going off and cheating with some other guy. And, once she’s obsessed, getting her to be your girlfriend is kind of a non-issue (if that’s what you want). And seriously. a woman definitely needs to be feeling obsession level emotions if she’s gonna be cool with you having other women in your life (like Adam with the two live in girlfriends!)
Interestingly, once you get inside the program you’ll see that it really is more than just one formula. There are 3 main “formulas” that Adam has developed that can be used alternately depending on what you are trying to make happen…
First, there’s something called “The Devotion Fantasy” which is a method you can use if you want to get a loyal, and devoted girlfriend. This could be a stand alone program, since I know that a lot of guys really aren’t interested in doing anything crazy and would be happy to just get one great girl who is totally devoted to them. But guys who are looking for more adventurous dating lives will definitely get a lot out of this training as well. Basically, this is all about triggering what Adam calls a woman’s “provider receptors’ that get her to see you as the ideal man for her, so she’ll want to be the woman in your life. Don’t let the word “provider” fool you, you don’t need money to make this work… What’s great about this one is that this “fantasy” in already wired into every woman’s mind, so all you need to do is come along and trigger it.
Then there is “The Chasing Fantasy” which is for guys who aren’t ready to settle down yet and want to get multiple women chasing after you. Like the devotion fantasy this is done by triggering a specific fantasy in a woman’s mind that will make her chase after you. I like this one because I think taht a lot of guys are sick of feeling like they are always the ones who are out there chasing after women all the time!
The third formula is called “The Temptation Fantasy”. This one is used with the woman (or women) in our life to get them to really unleash their inner-freaks. Basically, this allows you to help her get in touch with that very, very naughty side of herself, and get her to unleash all of her deeply rooted sexual fantasies directly on you! Since I already have a girlfriend this is the one I am testing out, it’s good stuff…
What Is “Erotic Inception” And How Can It Be Used To Activate Her Obsession Fantasy?
One of the key elements to the Obsession Formula is something called “Erotic Inception” which is used to plant sexual fantasies into a woman’s mind. This is kind of like the female version of those little blue pills because it is something that can be used pretty much “on demand” to get her turned on and aroused.
This may sound tricky, but it is actually pretty simple. Basically, all you need to do is do what Adam called “dropping hints”. These are just subtle phrases and little hints that you can drop around any woman you are interested in that get her thinking about you, and fantasizing about you sexually.
What All Do You Get With The Obsession Formula Program?
The program is digital, meaning that you get it online via a secure website rather than getting a hard-copy delivered to you. Most people probably like this since you can access it right away, and you never need to worry about losing it or damaging it.
In addition to getting the 3 main formula’s Adam has also included a ton of bonus trainings. Since there is so much bonus material that you get, I won’t go into too much detail, but I should mention a few of the cooler bonuses…
My three favorite bonuses are “Only You”, “The Hookup Handbook” and the one about Tinder. The one called “Only You” is about cheat proofing your relationship. This is important stuff, because if you’ve ever had a girl cheat on you then you know its one of the worst feelings that there is… I feel my girl would never cheat, but it never hurts to learn more about keeping her 100% devoted.
The “Hookup Handbook” is a handy guide with 20 different ways to get a girl back to your place and smoothly into your bed, definitely a must for single guys. The the bonus about Tinder (can’t remember the name off the top of my head) is another must. I haven’t used Tinder, but I know one guy who was never good with women who got on there and just started killing it, so there is definitely a lot of potential, and this training explains exactly what you do to get women off Tinder to come out and meet you.
My Recommendation:
One of the things that struck me about this program is the fact that Adam is a very down to earth dude for being such a successful dating coach. He’s just like a normal humble guy, even though he has had a lot of success and has two hot girlfriends waiting for him at home (I just can’t get over that part!)
I think it is always best to learn this kind of thing from real people, who have real verifiable results, and who have a lot of success stories from their students (you can read a bunch from Adam’s students here…)
One of the best things about this program is the fact that these “formulas’ can be used on any type of girl (you should here what Adam says about “shy girls” OMG.. good stuff!) These things have obviously been tested and refined over a long period of time and I’d be pretty surprised if just about any guy didn’t find them extremely helpful. I’m gonna be using them, and who knows, maybe my girl will let me move another chick into the house 🙂
Bottom line – this is great, unique info that I’m sure any heterosexual man will find very valuable…
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