Hey guys, in this post I’m going to be talking about a new health and fitness program called TestMax Nutrition. The idea behind this system is to follow dietary guidelines that will help to improve your hormone health, specifically by naturally boosting your testosterone.*
This is a review – Click Here for Our Top Recommended Program For Men Who Want To Boost Their Testosterone & Get Ripped…
The program was created by Clark Bartram who is a top nutrition expert for men over 40, and it comes from the same company that published the Abs After 40 program I previously reviewed.
(To be clear on the difference – Abs After 40 does have a nutritional component, but it’s much more focused on workouts and getting ripped. TestMax on the other hand is all about using nutrition to improve your overall hormonal health, which can help you burn fat, build muscle mass, boost your sex drive, improve mental clarity and a bunch of other things!)
Also – hopefully the fact that this program is all about Testosterone should make it clear that this program is designed for men only.
Of course a woman looking to increase her testosterone could potentially use this too, but realistically this is just for guys! Specifically, this is for men over 40 or so will benefit the most from this, since we are the age group whose testosterone levels are starting to fall.
Table of Contents
Deteriorating Hormonal Health? Scary!
Lets face it, its kind of a scary thing to think that as we get older our hormones can get out of whack and we can end up fat, tired and grumpy – with zero sex drive!
We’ve all seen older guys like that and its a sad state of affairs.
Luckily though there are natural steps you can take to optimize your male hormone health, and I for one am all about staying up on these things…
That brings us to TestMax Nutrition. I recently started this program and have thoroughly evaluated the curriculum so that I can now share my thoughts on it with you.
Basic Info On TestMax Nutrition & Why I’m Personally Excited About It:
Rather than writing a long rambling essay on why testosterone is so important I’m going to get right into talking about the product itself. If you are reading this then you should already have a pretty good understanding of the importance of maintaining your hormonal health, and the fact that your diet plays a key role in this.
I was excited to hear about this product because I am really into healthy eating, but to be honest I had never given all that much thought to how my diet was affecting my Testosterone. Of course I knew that it was having an effect, and I always made sure to eat plenty of high quality animal proteins and saturated fat since these things have been shown to have such a strong correlation with testosterone production. But I never dug too much deeper than that.
I’m 40 now, so I still consider myself “young” but at the same time I feel like 40 is the age where you really need to start dialing things in health-wise so that you don’t go to pieces over the coming years. I’ve been very proactive about seeking out resources to help me optimize my health now that I’ve past this milestone…
The great thing about TestMax Nutrition is that it offers a complete nutrition plan for men over 40 who want to take charge of there hormonal health and do it completely naturally.
It was designed by Clark Bartram who is a top nutrition expert who specializes in eating for hormonal health and helping guys over 40 who want to get into shape and enjoy healthy testosterone levels and to do so in an all natural way with diet and exercise.
Specific Details On The Product:
Of course all of the nitty-gritty details on everything that come with this system are available on the company’s website. But I wanted to give you a quick run down on everything from the point of view of user of the program…
So basically all of the training and materials that come through the course are made available to you through the members section of the website. You get log-in details (a user name and password) after you sign up and then you can simply log in and access all of the training videos, tools, downloadable PDFs and so forth.
Inside there is a welcome video where Clark basically welcomes you to the program and explains how the training videos are organized and how you can find all of the videos and resources inside the website. They also have a toll-free number in case you need help accessing anything.
I should say that this puts this product on a higher level then most fitness programs I’ve bought online. The company has been in business for a long time and has the infrastructure in place to give customers all the support they need, reply to them quickly, offer the phone line etc.. So what i am saying here is that its not just some dude in his garage!
Anyhow, the videos are divided into 2 main sections. There are the Testosterone PH.D. videos that basically inform you all about the importance of testosterone for weight loss, lifestyle choices that lower testosterone and how to change them, foods that lower testosterone, foods that boost testosterone, supplements for testosterone, and the role vitamins, minerals, micro and macro-nutrients play in nutrition and supporting your testosterone. Basically this section gives you a ton of info on testosterone, and while its not an actual “PHD” program, after you watch these videos you will probably know more about testosterone that 99.9% of the population.
To me it is kind of crazy that pretty much none of the popular “diets” out there take testosterone and hormonal health into account when they are clearly so important.
The great thing about this is you get real cutting edge info, that most guys unfortunately have no idea about.
Anyhow, the other main section of videos is the “Masculine Food Prep Guide Videos” section. These videos cover the basic principles for cooking foods for the TestMax Nutrition system. If cooking isn’t really your thing don’t worry because whats cool about this is that they have systematized everything so that you can potentially get a whole weeks worth of food cooked in under an hour. Honestly that sounds a little bit of a stretch to me, as i tend to go a little slower with my cooking. But if you stay focused then this is definitely possible. And I think we can agree that one hour is a very short period of time!
These videos also go over how to make smoothies, snacking strategies and a lot more.
You also get all the recipes, detailed shopping lists which include helpful money saving tricks, The “Master Test-Boosting Foods Catalog”, The “Kick-Start Recipe Guide”, The handy “Hand Portion Control Guide”, as well as additional trainings and resources.
At the time of this post they are also including a DVD set which is basically a hard copy of all of the video trainings as a free bonus.
I should also note that the system is broken into 3 phases. I think this is helpful because it keeps you aware of where you are as you progress through the system. The phases are #1 “Hormonal Detox” where you detoxify from the nutrients and chemicals shown to harm your test levels, #2 “Male Hormone Optimization & Recharge” where you adjust your meals to support higher levels of test by combining certain key nutrients, and #3 the “TestMax Lifestyle” phase where you focus on a more flexible and balanced approach that allows you to eat all kinds of delicious foods as part of your everyday lifestyle.
PROs & CONs:
PRO 1) Can work for busy guys who don’t like to cook – Personally, I have a lot of responsibilities that I need to handle on a daily basis which means I don’t have the same amount time or energy to dedicate to fitness that I did at age 25. And I definitely don’t have time to be cooking complex meals or doing anything elaborate. The great thing about TestMax is that it keeps things simple and allows you to eat the foods your body needs very quickly and efficiently.
PRO 2) Proven science is getting results – A great deal of research has gone into this product, and as far as I can tell there is a TON of scientific evidence pointing to all kinds of amazing health benefits that guys over 40 can experience when they are able to optimize their hormonal health. The company has gotten amazing before and after photos from guys who have followed Clark’s system and they have posted them on their website.
Note: We have our disclaimers regarding individual results and so forth below, but the bottom line is that a lot of guys are getting great results when they follow through and follow the system Clark has laid out.
PRO 3) Awesome food – This one’s important… Personally I think these are great tasting meals. If you are somebody who has only tried low-fat diets in the past or nutrition plans designed for women then you are definitely going to be pleasantly surprised. This is great tasting manly food that I think most guys will be very happy with.
PRO 4) Professional website and support – As I mentioned above this is a very professional company with a well-designed website, a well designed and researched product and full phone support and everything like that. The host Clark who designed the system is a professional who speaks clearly and is entertaining and likable, and his co-host Brooke Stacey is also very well spoken and attractive.
CON 1) Not a magic pill – As much as I like this system, the fact is that in order to get results from it you need to spend the time needed to watch the videos and then go to the grocery store and get the stuff on the shopping list they provide and then prepare and eat the foods they tell you to eat (there is a good deal of flexibility here though).
So there is work involved. If you have the money you could send somebody to the store for you, or if you are married and your wife or girlfriend is willing to shop and cook for you then that will obviously lighten the load a bit. But either way, it’s not some magic pill. This being the case this program should only appeal to guys who realize that they need to put in effort to get the desired result.
My Recommendation:
If you are a guy over 40 and you are looking for a diet that is going to help with maintaining muscle mass and strength, fat burning, maintaining a healthy sex drive and all of the other benefits associated with healthy testosterone levels – then this is definitely worth checking out…
To see our top recommended program, click the link below:
DISCLAIMER: *Individual Results May Vary.
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