There’s a new medical survival guide from Robert Grey and Dr. Radu Scurtu, MD called “Survival MD” that’s been getting a lot of attention in the survivalist community, so I decided see if this thing is actually legit!
This is a review – Click Here for the Official Survival MD Website…
If you’re reading this, then you’re probably aware of the importance of disaster preparedness and how it can mean the difference between life and death in the wake of any disaster. One thing I’ve learned in researching this program is that having food and water and other supplies stockpiled is simply not enough. It’s a known and proven fact that the biggest threat to human survival in the wake of a disaster is the threat of infection and disease. Pretty scary stuff!
On a personal note, this program resonated with me because I live in California, which a recent study from the U.S. Geological Survey has shown is long overdue for a major earthquake. When I heard about Robert Grey’s medical survival guide, I knew I had to check this out because it’s just mind boggling to think that we live in a country with the best hospitals and doctors in the world, yet thousands of people’s lives are at risk from easily treatable conditions when disaster strikes.
It’s a simple fact that we’ve seen time and time again from the Tsunamis of 2004 and 2011 to Hurricane Katrina, when disaster strikes hospitals get overrun with sick and injured people. The electrical grid shuts down and social services at large essentially break down. What that means is that a simple infection can very quickly become deadly serious, so it makes sense that the smart thing to do is to do whatever you can to be prepared for such an eventuality. This includes getting your hands on a proper, easy-to-follow, medical guide.
Here’s where Robert Grey’s program comes in…
Table of Contents
Who is Robert Grey?
Robert Grey’s background and how he came to develop this program, is actually quite moving. He’s got firsthand experience on the importance of being prepared in the wake of a disaster. I won’t get into too much detail here, but let’s just say his program was born out of the brutal experiences Robert faced when he and his father were stuck in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Tragically, Robert’s father died in his arms shortly after the hurricane struck because of a little scratch on his leg that got infected from contaminated floodwaters. They had no access to proper medical care because the hospitals were too overrun and dysfunctional.
After Katrina, Robert decided to do something to help others avoid the same fate as his father, so Robert teamed up with Dr. Radu Scurtu (MD) to create a medical survival guide that would be practical, simple and very easy to understand and use.
Okay, so I’ll admit I was a little skeptical at first, but when I read about Robert’s story and began to learn more about the guide, I began to realize this program was legit and could literally mean the difference between life and death for thousands of people.
What Do You Get With This Program?
The program comes in both a hard-copy and soft-copy guide. I personally think this is very important to highlight since it will be more practical and useful for you to use in the wake of a disaster. The guide incorporates several principals and techniques that are designed to help the layman effectively prevent and treat infections and illnesses. For example, the guide teaches you something called the TeCaMoLo Principle. This principle is incorporated into the program to teach you how to recognize and analyze symptoms quickly. Time is always of the essence when it comes to infection and illness the wake of any disaster, so ensuring quick diagnosis and action, you’re literally saving a life.
The program also includes a comprehensive list of effective meds and supplies you can stock up on now, which cover a large range of diseases. I was actually surprised by how much practical information was included into this guide. For example, it teaches you how to manage garbage and waste and the worst medical mistakes in a crisis and what you should NEVER do in a crisis. It also includes inside tips like how to easily reset a dislocated shoulder, how to master a procedure when a disaster strikes, and how to get prescription drugs without a prescription. This last tip about how to obtain prescription drugs is a crucial one in my opinion. I mean, learning how to gain access to live-saving medication could mean the difference between life and death.
This last point brings me to the bonus that comes with this guide, which I think is a particularly good one. It’s a special report on how to survive without a prescription through all-natural remedies and techniques. In any crisis, denial of access to prescription medications is a simple fact and there’s no guarantee that whatever prescriptions you’ve managed to store will last very long. So, it’s good to have a back-up plan that will allow you to effectively treat infection and illness no matter what.
What I Liked…
I liked that the guide is designed to be accessible to everyone. It’s specifically designed so that even a twelve year old could understand it. There are no fancy medical terms or anything like that. This makes sense to me since it’s supposed to be used by everyday people in the wake of a disaster. In the end, I just think this guide will save more lives because it’s been designed to be so practical and user-friendly.
Is There a Downside?
Well, some might take issue with the focus on “doom and gloom” post-disaster scenarios, but let’s face it, we live in a dangerous world. There have been several disasters in recent years that have proved time and time again that this an important topic and one that is very relevant for the world we live in RIGHT NOW. Ultimately however, my view on this is, even if you’re skeptical about the probability of an impending disaster, I just don’t see a downside in learning simple techniques and methods that are proven to save lives.
My Recommendation…
If you’re looking for a simple, easy to follow medical guide that can teach you how to recognize, prevent and treat infections, then this is the guide you’re looking for.
>> Click Here for Instant Access to Survival MD Now! <<
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