***This training appears to be discontinued/no longer available. But that’s okay.
If you are a guy who likes the idea of using simple words to make a woman sexually “triggered” you’re still in the right place!
This video shows a special, proven method to, as the creator so eloquently put’s it “get her wet, with words”
Idk – wet?
Okay – sounds good to me!
Just be aware, the training is somewhat adult in nature. NSFW. You must be 21+ to watch.
Click here to see how to Make Her Wet With Words!
I’ll leave my review of Adam’s program below in case it ever becomes available again.
Although I rarely like to review dating guides these days, there’s a brand new course that just came out called “Sexual Trigger Words” that definitely deserves a closer look.
Apparently, these “innocent words” can actually trigger a biological process in the female brain that can make a woman feel like she absolutely must sleep with you.
I know, when I first heard about this I thought that it sounded way too good to be true. But upon closer examination I discovered that this is actually a real scientific phenomenon!
Table of Contents
What Are These “Trigger Words” And How Do They Work To Make Women Want You?
The program was created by a guy named Adam Gilad, who I consider one of the very best guys teaching on the subject of improving you situation with women. He’s not a “pick-up artist” guy at all, and if you listen to him talk it is obvious that he is really smart, and insightful about women. He’s known for being an expert on language as well as an expert on female psychology and sexuality, and he is also known for actually practicing what he preaches and getting results for his students.
Anyhow, Adam’s program shows you how to use specific words and phrases that have been proven to trigger this newly discovered process in the female brain that was discovered at Concordia University. I won’t go into the science part too much, but basically what they found is that when you “light-up” or turn on a certain part of a woman’s brain it activates another part that is in charge of her decision making in terms of sexual partners.
So, by triggering this first part of her brain you are basically flipping on the “sex switch” in her head, which makes her see you as a guy she wants sexually. And this works even if you aren’t her type, or she has no logical “reason” to be attracted to you.
That’s the long and short of it…
What Is Included In This Program?
The course is available online through a secure member’s website where you can access all of the training, and even download it if you want to keep a copy locally on you computer. But, you can just as easily log in and watch/listen to/read everything anytime you want on the website.
In addition to the main Sexual Trigger words program Adam has also included several bonus trainings that cover a lot of other topics relating to women that will probably be of interest to you if you want better relationships with higher quality women. I won’t go through all of them because there are a lot, but he goes over how to get out of the “friend zone”, how to turn women on over text (this is great because you can use these the words over text, on FB, online dating etc…), online dating, getting a girlfriend, getting an ex back, and my personal favorite – a foolproof technique for giving women orgasms!
Pros And Cons:
Pro #1) Clear and Easy – The thing I like best about this program is that it doesn’t require any complex concepts or strategies. You are not putting on any kind of act. Instead, you are just using specific words and phrases that have been proven to trigger this process that makes her want you. So, you know exactly what to do, and it’s not anything weird or difficult. That brings us to…
Pro #2) Stealth – Because these words are so “normal”, and innocent you can use this system without worrying that a woman is going to respond badly, or reject you. It doesn’t look like you are even hitting on her, so she won’t get that feeling like you are trying to “get something” from her, which can skeeve women out.
Pro #3) It Works – The only thing that really matters. As I mentioned, this program has already gotten a lot of success for guys who attended the live seminars. It’s great to hear from guys who were not getting any love from the ladies, who were able to turn it around and date multiple hot, young women and even find relationships.
Pro #4) Can Be Used On Any Kind of Girl – If you are in a relationship you can keep using this system to make the girl you are with more and more obsessed and addicted to you over time, which is a nice bonus. Basically there aren’t any limits to what kind of girl this works on because as far as I know they all respond to this mental process of getting sexually triggered in the same way.
Con #1) Requires Caution – Really there’s nothing bad to say about this program. However, because these techniques trigger a process in the female brain that occurs in the same area as what controls “addiction” you should probably be careful not to use it on a really psycho chick because you could accidentally make her a stalker.
My Recommendation…
I’ve been a fan of Adam Gilad’s work for many years now and this program is on a whole other level as far as giving you something simple that you can just take and use and get results with.
I think this will be an especially perfect fit for shy guys and guys who struggle to get that initial attraction spark going with the women they are really attracted to.
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