One thing that a lot of men struggle with is being able to approach and start talking with an attractive woman. Let’s face it – it can feel pretty intimidating out there sometimes!
The solution? Top dating expert Christian Hudson has a newly updated program called “Say Hello” that promises to get a woman saying “YES” to you in 3 minutes or less. And I’m going to give you all the relevant details, and my thoughts on his system in today’s review…
This is a review – Click Here for the Official Say Hello Website…
I don’t review a lot of dating guides on here these days, as there is very little that is new and worth talking about. That being said – I’ve always been a big fan of Christian’s work including his girlfriend getting program “The Girlfriend Activation System“, and his texting guide “How2TxtHer“. So when I found out that he had released a newly updated version of his Say Hello program, I was eager to take a look and share my thoughts on it with you.
I’ve structured this review in a Q&A format to keep things moving along at a healthy pace, and so that I can hopefully answer any questions you may have about this program.
Let’s dive in…
Table of Contents
What Makes “Say Hello” Unique & Superior To Other Systems For Approaching/Meeting/Talking To Women?
As I mentioned above – approaching women and getting them interested in you is one of the biggest areas that guys struggle with when it comes to dating. Even guys like myself, who do pretty good with the ladies can have a rough time during the approach phase, and there is often a lot of anxiety that goes along with it.
This being the case there have been a number of theories that guys have come up with over the years regarding the best methods for approaching women. I’ve reviewed a ton of these systems and most of them have some pretty significant flaws. One of the most common and serious flaws I’ve found is that these methods often require you to do things that feel very uncomfortable and unnatural, because they are simply not in line with your personality – so they basically require you to act fake in order to make a strong impression. This is a big problem for many reasons, which I don’t have the time to get into, but hopefully you can see this is not the best approach!
Also, a lot the other methods out there are extremely immature. They can potentially work for young guys picking up tipsy bar chicks, but they would definitely work out terribly for a more mature man attempting to meet a classier type of woman in any other type of situation.
In my opinion one of the greatest strengths in the Say Hello program is that it can be used by any guy – without ever feeling “fake” because everything that you say is based on who you really are, you are “speaking your truth” so to speak. You are simply doing this in a way that is naturally attractive to women based on their innate psychology. More on this below…
What’s The Basic Premise Behind This System And How Does It Work?
The core benefit to this program is that it gives you a system for meeting and starting conversations with women that is based on proven psychological principles that make her like you.
This is obviously something that can be very handy if you ever struggle with what to say when you spot a pretty young thing you’d like to get to know…
As Christian explains it he had severe social anxiety, and on top of that was very unskilled with women and knowing how to talk to them in an attractive way. Luckily however he didn’t give up and instead ended up finding some pretty cool tools for improving things including some high level psychology-based sales techniques that he adapted to work for meeting women.
Then, he also studied performance psychology and included some great material on that in the program. If you are unfamiliar with performance psychology it is pretty cool stuff – basically ways to perform at your best when the heat is on, like for example when you see the hottest woman you’ve ever seen in your life.
Basically it works by teaching you how to perform on the spot, when you need to without feeling the anxiety that holds a lot of guys back. And then you have a step-by-step system to follow anytime you see a woman you’d like to meet.
What All Do You Get When You Get Access To Say Hello?
This program is very comprehensive and includes a ton of conversation techniques, specific lines and specific words and so forth, but the core system for getting a woman to start saying yes to you is all boiled down to one short “Yes Sequence” cheat sheet to keep things simple.
The training is delivered in multiple formats including HD video, audio, and PDF transcripts, as well as an active forum in the private members area.
Then – you also get several additional bonus trainings, including: a subliminal mind programming tool called Complete Confidence Hypnosis, The Art of Seduction System, The 7 Commandments of Dating 9’s and 10’s, the Performance Psychology Training toolkit (AWESOME), trial access to a course on supercharging your sexual communication, and other surprise bonuses…
What’s The Best Part Of “Say Hello”?
As with most training programs this may differ from person to person depending on what you need specifically to get past your personal roadblocks.
That said the “Yes Sequence” and the performance psychology training are definitely two of best elements off this program. First you get a simple and clear cut system to follow, and then they give you methods for performing your best in high pressure situations. So these two elements of the program alone cover most of your bases.
Many guys will also probably find a specific conversation technique – like the “perfect couple” technique for example that they are really able to knock it out of the park with.
Any Negatives With This System?
I don’t know… Nothing I could find is really “wrong” with this program. And I’d go so far as to say that it is in my opinion the best training available for learning how to talk to women and meet women everywhere you go.
However, I tend to think that there are some guys out there who just have too many issues to be successful with women no matter how good the information that they have at their disposal. Whether this is due to having some kind of personality disorder or some other mental condition, some guys out there probably just need more help than any home training program could ever provide. So that being the case I am not convinced that this could work for literally anyone. Luckily however Christian offers a rather astonishing 365 day money back guarantee, so in the case that you are unsuccessful applying this material you can always ask for a refund.
I’m REALLY Shy – Would This System Work For Me?
Yes. This program was actually designed with shy guys, and guys who get awkward around women in mind. Christian himself was a shy guy with a lot of anxiety when he was younger, and the painful experiences he had with women due to that shyness and awkwardness were the catalyst that led him to develop these programs and become one of the most respected experts on these topics.
What If I’m Short, Fat, Ugly, Poor, Etc… Can This Still Work For Me?
Listen, nobody is perfect.
Obviously a dude with great looks and tons of dough is going to have an advantage with women. That said if you are good at confidently meeting women, and talking to them then you should be able to do okay even if you are kind of ugly, fat, poor etc. I know tons of guys who prove this point!
However, if you are fat and ugly and don’t know how to approach and talk to women confidently – then you probably will have a problem, so I’d definitely recommend developing these skills.
Is This System Recommended?
Ummm…. YES!
Honestly I don’t know many things that can improve your life more than feeling totally relaxed and confident about meeting and talking to women – it can change your whole reality.
That being the case I’d strongly recommend learning about this stuff from Christian. The dude knows what he is talking about and will put you on the right track. My guess is a lot of his students are going to be naming their sons after him in coming years.
>> Click Here to Get Instant Access To Say Hello Now! <<
*DISCLAIMER: *Individual Results May Vary.
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