Today’s post is about a new mobile list building software called “Mobile Optin” that has just been developed and released by well known Internet marketing expert Anthony Morrisson.
This is a review, Click Here to visit the Official Mobile Optin Website…
In the review below I’ll let you know the details about how the software works, what you get, and why this is such a unique method/tool for list building. Then I’ll wrap up by giving you my personal opinion of the software and a recommendation on who I think would benefit the most from snatching up a Mobile Optin account…
I’ll begin by briefly going over some basic info about list building and why targeting mobile traffic is such a good idea for email marketers. If you are already an expert email marketer you can scroll down to where I start talking specifically about Mobile Optin.
Table of Contents
Basic Info On Email Marketing, List Building & The Importance Of Mobile Traffic…
If you are somebody who is just getting into Internet marketing, you may have heard that email marketing is a good thing to focus on. The reason it’s so great is because when you have an email list you have an ASSET. That email list belongs to you, and anytime that you want some money, you can just send them out an email with some affiliate links in it (or links to your own products or services) and make money…
Ideally these subscribers will stay subscribed and keep opening your emails and making you money for years to come. However, as any experienced email marketer will tell you, a lot of the email addresses that you get will be fake, and open rates can typically hover in the 5% and less range, going steadily downwards over time.
This is why email marketers need to be constantly getting new leads (people who have opted in) onto their lists, and this is why marketers are always on the lookout for systems and techniques to improve the quality of their leads and their response rates.
One thing a lot of marketers don’t realize is the fact that something like 60-70% of all Internet traffic is now mobile traffic, and I’ve seen some very shocking statistics (sorry I don’t have a link to them) which show that mobile email clicks are, on average, worth more than 200% the value of desktop email clicks!
In other words, if you are building an email list then it makes a heck of a lot of sense to get mobile subscribers who are checking their email on their cell phones. This is especially true due to the fact that mobile traffic is pretty much guaranteed to become an even bigger percentage of total internet traffic over the next couple of years…
What Exactly IS Mobile Optin – And How Does It Help You Make Money?
As you probably know, the key to building an email list that makes a lot of money is to make sure that you are getting super high quality leads. Not only do you want these leads to be targeted in terms of their interest in whatever niche you are operating in, but you also want to be sure that they are giving you a real email address, that they check often. Ideally, you want to get the email address that they have hooked up to their mobile email client, so that you can be sure that they are seeing all the messages that you send them.
Well, I don’t like to throw the word “genius” around too much, but Anthony’s method for this is pretty freaking smart… Basically, he devised a software that shows your website visitors a special kind of option page that I have never seen before.
Basically, these opt-in pages have a button that people can press that lets them opt-in to your list by sending you an email from the email client on their phone. That way its way easier for them because they don’t need to type anything in, and it’s way better for you because you are guaranteed to get their absolute best email address – the email that they check all day long on their cell phone.
By targeting mobile users, and sending them to these opt-in pages you can pretty much guarantee that you are going to be getting super responsive subscribers. For example, Anthony has built lists with this software that have gotten 50%+ open rates, which is unheard of. These are big, 5 figure lists, insane. And, as we all know, a responsive list is a list that makes a lot of money.
What You Get…
As I mentioned, this program is not available yet. The cool thing is that when Anthony opens up the doors for this he is going to hook up the first people who sign up with some cool options for free. In other words, things that would normally be “upsells” will being included at no charge. However, definitely check the salespage to see what is currently being included as it may change from the time that I am writing this.
Anyhow the main thing you get is your own Mobile Optin account, where you can create unlimited campaigns. There are currently over 150 templates to choose from, and the first people who get accounts are going to get access to all future templates for free. The templates look good too, are customizable, and fully compliant. You also get a dashboard where you can see all over your analytics and stats reports to keep track of your campaigns.
The next thing is the “Split Testing Engine Upgrade” which is currently being included free (but check) this lets you split the traffic between multiple opt-in pages to see which one converts best. There is also a “Url Redirect Upgrade”, also currently free, that lets you pick any page to redirect your subscribers to after they opt-in. This is something that you can usually do anyways with a standard opt-in form, but I guess that it was pretty difficult figuring out how to make this happen since the way they are opting in is completely different. And there is also another cool feature that automatically starts sending all your traffic to the split test variation that is converting the best after a certain number of clicks.
Anthony Morrison’s Mobile Optin – Pros & Cons:
PRO #1) Nothing Like It – I’ve been marketing via email since 2010, and I have never seen anything like this. It is a huge advantage to have because you are making it so easy for mobile users to opt-in and you are guaranteed to get their best email addresses.
PRO #2) Auto-Optimization – I really like this feature because, you don’t need to know anything about split testing, and you don’t need to log in to analyze the statistic because it will automatically switch to using the highest controverting page for you.
PRO #3) FB Training – This isn’t necessarily part of the product, but as I understand it customers will be getting complimentary FB ad training from Anthony and his brother Adrian. Facebook is a great place to get cheap targeted traffic, and it is easy to strictly target mobile users. And Adrian is apparently doing something like $15K a day which Facebook ads, so he is definitely a good
person to learn this stuff from.
PRO #4) Customizable – While the 150+ templates look great as-is, if you are more advanced you can easily customize them with unique images, backgrounds, etc…
PRO #5) Newbie Friendly – This is cutting edge software that will appeal to advanced marketers, but it is also totally friendly for people who are just getting started. There’s video training inside your account interface, support, and you don’t even need your own website to set up these opt-in pages because you can host them free with Anthony.
CON #1) Not “Cheap” – If you are flat broke this will likely be a stretch. That said, it’s a tool for making money, so you could realistically use it to sell one high ticket affiliate product and re-coup your investment and more from that one sale.
My Recommendation:
I’ll keep this short… If you are an email marketer then this software is a no-brainer. So get it, unless you hate money 🙂
UPDATE: The software is now available – Click Here to get Your Mobile Optin Account Access Now!
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