In today’s post I’m going to be discussing a new product called “Mind Movies Matrix” that offers some unique tools for on improving your life, achieving your dreams and being all around more successful and fulfilled.
This is a review – Click Here for the Official Mind Movies Matrix Website…
Personally, I’m very excited about continuously growing and improving my life, so I am always seeking out things like this program in hopes that they can help me “turn the dial” so to speak, and help me to make some positive changes in my life. And that being said I was very amped up to check out this new Mind Movies Matrix program!
If you are reading this then chances are you are also interested in personal development, and are actively seeking out ways to improve things in your life. In that case this program may prove very appealing to you as well…
Table of Contents
What Is The Basic Idea Behind Mind Movies Matrix & How Exactly Does It Work?
This basic concept behind this program is that you can realize and basically “manifest” your dreams and goals by programing and priming your subconscious mind for success.
The idea is that you watch short “mind movies” that are full of images of the things you want to manifest in your life ie. wealth, freedom, luxury, weight loss, the perfect relationship and so forth.
And these images work with your mind on a subconscious level to help you to attract these things, essentially using the Law of Attraction…
An easy way to think of it is as something of a “digital vision board”.
Rather than creating an old fashioned vision board by cutting pictures out of magazines and gluing them to a board that you look at for inspiration – or that kind of thing these are HD movies that are specially designed to work much more effectively harnessing something called “Brain Entrainment Technology” that I’ll go into more detail on below.
Interesting… But Does It Work?
Obviously that sounds pretty awesome, but the question is whether it actually works and whether this kind of mental programming is even possible.
Personally, I like to think of myself as being a pretty pragmatic type of a guy. This being the case, most of the time and money that I put into being successful is invested in proven tools, trainings and so forth that can provide measurable results in my business/personal life.
Due to my pragmatic nature I was initially pretty skeptical regarding anything that had to do with “manifesting”, The Secret, and so forth….
HOWEVER, I have come to recognize the fact that my mind, and specifically my subconscious mind plays a huge role in determining my success, and that there is a massive and undeniable value to be found by leveraging things like this that can help me get “in alignment” so that I can receive all the things I want in life.
Note: In case you never heard of The Law of Attraction it’s essentially the belief that we can choose the things that we want to bring into our life, or “manifest”, by changing what we choose to focus on. This is an ancient teaching that’s based on the idea that people, and our thoughts are made of “pure energy”. Then, simply by leveraging the principle of “like energy attracting like energy” you can become financially successful, improve your health, and attract the people and relationships you desire.
That all being said – let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what this program is all about and how it actually works…
Who Are Glen and Natalie Ledwell – The Creators of The Mind Movie Matrix?
Glen and Natalie Ledwell are the creators of Mind Movies Matrix and are very highly respected in the world of personal development. They’ve been endorsed by all of the other top personal development gurus like Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Bob Doyle, Joe Vitale and so forth and have a ton of testimonials from people they have helped that you can see on their website here.
One interesting thing I learned about Natalie is that before she got started teaching this stuff she was actually in massive 6 figure debt herself and was able to get out of that and go on to acheive some pretty remarkable things in her own life.
In fact – she’s recently created a program for the most impoverished children in Colombia called “PD for Kids” that teaches them positive personal development to help them improve their lives. Impressive!
Anyhow, Glen And Natalie are basically pioneers with this whole idea of these video vision boards.
More On Brain Entrainment Technology…
One of the things that I found most interesting about the Mind Movie Matrix is that it uses Brain Entrainment Technology to bypass your conscious mind and works directly with your subconscious.
I won’t get into all the science behind all of this, but the basic idea is that this brain wave technology is able to put you into what is known as an “Alpha” brain state. In this state your subconscious becomes more open and receptive to the visualizations and subconscious suggestions embedded inside the Mind Movie!
Apparently there are over a million of these positive sub conscious messages in each Mind Movie Matrix movie, so your subconscious mind is getting a heavy duty feeding of super positive thoughts and imagery…
How Do You Use Mind Movies Matrix?
This is another thing that I found really appealing about this program. Unlike other self-help/manifesting programs that give you some info and a loose outline for applying the information – Mind Movies Matrix provides you with done for you technology and a daily system for putting it to use.
The program includes done-for-you mind movies covering four of the areas of life that many people are most interested in improving: attracting financial success, attracting the perfect partner, losing weight and attracting a quality, lasting relationship.
So, after you get access to the program you just log into the members area where you can access all of the content. Then you pick which area you want to work on first, and watch the morning and evening mind movies for that specific topic.
There is also an optional sleep meditation audio that uses Brain Entrainment technology to help your body and mind fully relax for optimally rejuvenating sleep. For an extra mid-day boost there is also an optional subliminal audio you can listen to in order to maximize results.
Note On Mind Movies Matrix VS The Original Mind Movies Product…
In case you were wondering about how Mind Movies Matrix compares to the original Mind Movies product, here’s the scoop…
Basically the original product allows you to make your own Mind Movies whereas Mind Movies Matrix provides you with done for you movies that were made to be maximally effective – and include that Brain Entrainment Technology I was just talking about.
Certainly creating your own Mind Movies with the original software can be fun and there is the fact that these can be more personalized. So there is definitely a value in that product as well. However, the fact that the Mind Movies Matrix movies were designed by professionals and contain so many positive subliminal messages and the brain entrainment technology mean that they should prove much more powerful, and as a result should work much faster and more effectively.
PROs & CONs:
PRO #1 – Proven System & Technology
When it comes to manifesting and the Law of Attraction, there are is a lot of info out there from a variety of sources so it’s always important to do your due diligence and check your sources. With the Mind Movie Matrix this is coming from two of the top most respected experts in personal development, and videos themselves were made by one one of the world’s top experts on brain entrainment technology, so you know this is the real deal.
PRO #2 – So Simple To Use… This really could not be simpler. Just watch the morning and evening movies (which are only about 3 minutes each) and that’s it. These movies are designed to but you in an Alpha mind state and fill you with positive messaging, so if you are like most people you should enjoy this process…
PRO #3 – Like Vision Boards On Steroids! A few years ago I started networking with and befriending a lot of really successful entrepreneurs. I was surprised to learn how many of these guys had vision boards in their home offices that they looked at religiously. Furthermore, one of these guys (who is now a multi-millionaire) gave me a detailed explanation of how he built his vision board and how he was systematically getting the things on his board in his real life!
That was a real eye opener, and ever since I’ve loved the idea of these things… That said, Mind Movies Matrix is like the ULTIMATE vision board. Not only is the HD video format a big step up, but it also has that proven brain-wave technology built into it!
CON #1 – NOT a Magic Bullet… It may be safe to assume that if you watch the mind movies daily, then it should have a positive affect on your life. Perhaps even a profoundly positive effect.
That said, it’s still probably not going to solve all of your problems, and you do need to actually take action in life to work towards your dreams. That’s my philosophy anyways!
The Verdict – Should You Try Mind Movies Matrix?
If you’ve read this far I think it’s safe to say that you have some interest in this program and should definitely give it a shot.
Honestly, if you are the kind of person who is into this kind of thing I think you have a huge advantage over more close minded people. The reason being that all of us can benefit from feeding our subconcious minds with positive imagary and messaging – and this new technology is a very powerful tool for doing that, much more effectively than anything that has ever existed before.
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