Today’s post is all about a subject I have been fascinated with for many years now – the science of “Personal Magnetism”. Specifically, I’ll be sharing a comprehensive review of a new online system called “Presence Power & Profit” which claims to re-program your mind to attract success.
This is a review – Click Here for Instant Access to the “Presence Power & Profit” System…
I’ll start this review by sharing some of my own thoughts on the importance of personal magnetism Then I’ll talk about the program specifically, how it works, what you get, some pros and cons, and then give you my unbiased recommendation.
Let’s dive in and take a look!
Table of Contents
What Exactly IS Personal Magnetism & Why Is It Important To Your Success And Happiness?
I should start by pointing out that personal magnetism is something that people have been studying for well over a century, and probably a lot longer. Personal development and success experts like Dale Carnegy were holding sold-out seminars on the topic back a hundred years ago… And I’ve studied many of the classic books on how to use personal magnetism to succeed both personally and professionally.
I think the main reason that this is such a popular subject is because improving your personal magnetism can have such a profound effect on your life. It can also help you to succeed in so many areas of life.
Not only is your personal magnetism fundamental for attracting great friends and romantic partners, but is is also key for getting ahead professionally, getting jobs, promotions, clients and ultimately cash money 🙂
Personally, my own personal magnetism is something that I am always working to improve because I’ve noticed a pretty freaking direct correlation between how much people like me and the quality of my life and how happy I am.
It seems pretty obvious, but the fact is that most of us just don’t really “max-out” our personal magnetism so to speak. What I’m saying is, most of us have room for improvement here. Which is what brings me to Mark’s new Presence Power & Profit system.
How Does The Presence Power & Profit System Work & What’s The Secret Of “Auto Magnetism”?
The Presence Power & Profit is an online system created by a guy named Mark Williams. Mark is becoming very well known, and is considered to be one of the foremost experts on the psychology of influence and personal magnetism I hadn’t heard of him before so I looked into his backstory a bit and I was actually quite impressed by the work he has done dissecting the science of personal magnetism, as well as his skill when it comes to teaching people how to use the psychological principles of personal magnetism to attract and influence others.
Basically what Mark’s system does is give you a blueprint for unleashing your natural personal magnetism so that you magnetically attract people and make them like you and want to give you the things you want.
It should be pretty easy to see how beneficial this can be. You can use it in your career to climb the ranks, or in your personal life to attract a new partner, and grow your social circle. And you can also use it with your current partner or spouse to improve your relationship, decrease conflict and amp up their loving feelings for you. There are definitely a lot of uses for this stuff!
The idea is that by using simple techniques (used by the most personally magnetic people on earth) you can change the way that people respond to you. And because everybody will like you more you are more easily able to get the things you want in life ie. the partner you want, the opportunities, jobs, money etc… That you want.
One of the best things about Mark’s system, that I haven’t seen in other books I’ve read on this is that it attempts to make everything as “automatic” as possible. This way you aren’t struggling to “exert influence” over people using any complex persuasion techniques or anything like that. The idea is to “re-program” your mind so to speak, so that you are able to automatically magnetize yourself for success. Depending on your outlook this may sound a bit new-agey to you, but when you get into the science of how this all works it actually makes a lot of sense.
What Comes With Mark’s Program?
This program includes a lot of material, but thankfully it’s well organized so it should be pretty easy for you to go through the program and absorb the most critical info first.
Everything is made available online, through the members’ area, so you log in and then you can download the eBook PDF as well as the many bonuses that are included with the program there.
The whole main system is included in the PDF as well as in an audio version which is being included as a bonus. I won’t go into great detail on all of the bonus material here, because there’s a lot if it and it’s also described accurately and in great detail on Mark’s website here, but I’ll give you a basic overview in case you are curious.
As I mentioned, there’s an audio version included as a bonus, which is actually my favorite part out of everything you get. I’ve found that over the years I’ve switched to preferring audio-books a lot of the time especially compared to PDFs. I like listening to personal development stuff like this at the gym because it’s like you are improving your mind and body at the same time. If you haven’t tried this yet, give it a shot, it’s pretty awesome.
Anyhow, in addition to the audio version there is also a 7 part guided meditation program called “Live Your BEST Life” which gives you a different guided meditation track for every day of the week. If you are unfamiliar with guided meditation basically it is audio tracks that you listen to while you are mellowing out and relaxing so that you can influence and change your own thinking in beneficial ways. This is NOT something you want to listen to at the gym, but rather as something to listen to in the morning as you start the day or before you go to bed.
You also get recordings and a PDF of an entire other course called “The Ultimate Influence Private Workshop”. This goes along with what you learn in Presence Power & Profit and teaches you how to use 8 “laws of influence” and goes deeply into some ‘psychological shortcuts’ you can use to influence people and situations to your liking. Pretty cool stuff! I’ve read a ton on influence and this stuff was new to me… There is also an “Art of Small Talk” guide and other bonuses. But check for yourself because these may change or be removed over time.
Pros And Cons:
PRO 1) Most up to date program on personal magnetism – As I mentioned I have studied all of the top material out there on this subject on personal magnetism, and while there are some great “classic” materials out there, this is the most accessible. I think that a lot of the older stuff is hard to relate to sometimes because the world has changed quite a bit in the last 100 years. This program on the other hand is designed for modern people in 2016, who are dealing with getting ahead in our modern world, and it also includes strategies based on recent discoveries that nobody knew about before.
PRO 2) Teaches valuable, under-used abilities – The fact is that most people just don’t learn this stuff. It’s not taught in school and most people probably don’t even know that there is a “science of personal magnetism” they can use to succeed in life, which is sad. Luckily this program teaches these valuable skills.
PRO 3) The Influence Workshop recordings – This bonus is great and well worth the price of the entire course. Seriously if you use just one of these shortcuts in the right situation in could have a massive positive impact on your life.
CON 1) Manipulative – Anytime we talk about “influence” we are talking about something that can be seen as manipulation. Personally, the way I see it is that people are always manipulating one another in every interaction because they are trying to influence outcomes and get what they want. That’s just life when you are living in a society with others and looking out for your own needs. That being said, this concept of manipulation may still not sit right with some folks.
CON 2) Personal Magnetism will not solve all your problems – I think that personal magnetism is critically important for a person’s success. It’s pretty hard to deny this fact. Basically impossible. That said, the fact is that most of us have many issues that we need to work through to achieve all the things that we want in life. So, chances are there are issues not covered in this program that you will still need to work through to achieve ultimate success, whatever that looks like for for you. No matter your issues though, it never hurts to become magnetically likeable. It can only help as I see it!
My Recommendation:
Being able to automatically create a great impression and get people to like you is an amazing ability to have.
It’s also pretty clear that personal magnetism is KEY to your success in love, social success, and career/wealth creation.
This is something I’ve been almost fanatical about for the past 5 years or so, and I highly recommend developing these skills if you care about your own success and happiness.
That said, Mark’s Presence Power & Profit is far and away the best system to help you develop and unleash these abilities for yourself, and therefore I highly recommend it!
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