Okay guys, it’s been a while since my last review of a dating product, due to the fact I haven’t seen anything new that has been worth mentioning in quite a while. That said, I’m pretty excited to tell you about a brand new program called “The Language Of Lust” that has just come out, from a guy named Lawrence Lanoff…
This is a review, Click Here for the Language Of Lust System Website…
In this short review I will give you a quick synopsis of the idea behind this program, explain about what you will learn, and then share my personal opinion on how effective Lawrence’s secrets are for helping guys improve their success with women, both in terms of helping you to get laid more often, as well as helping you to attract higher quality women.
Table of Contents
What’s The Idea Behind Lawrence’s New Program & What Is This “Secret Language All About?
The funny thing about dating/pick up/attraction/hooking up advice is that a lot of it makes it seem like it is really HARD to meet women and have sex with them. Sure, it can seem that way if it’s been a long time since you had a girlfriend or hooked up with anybody, but at the same time it’s no secret that women are hooking up with guys quicker than ever before in history.
One thing I really like about this program is the fact that Lawrence has a very unique outlook on all of this. In the program he points out the fact that, realistically speaking, it has never been easier for an average guy to go out there and find a chick who is DTF and ready to go home with you for some no-strings attached bedroom play-time.
He refers to this as the “Feminist Nightmare”… Basically, since most guys today are totally emasculated by society, now women are STARVING for a “real man” to come along who can unleash her sexual side.The problem is that most guys don’t know how to connect with women the right way so they do things that get them “blown out” as soon as they approach.
In Language Of Lust Lawrence shows you a special “language” that you can use to communicate with women that gets them feeling totally safe opening up to you (sexually) right away, by letting them know that you’re the kind of guy that they should connect with.
What You Learn & What Comes With The Program…
One of the best things about this program is the fact that Lawrence is a mature adult man. He’s not one of these doofy pick-up-artist kids with a childish outlook. Instead, he has very mature, sane and realistic insights into female psychology, dating and sex.
Inside the program you’ll learn what keeps women from wanting to hook up with most guys. It explains why women are so quick to reject most men even if they are good looking or have money), and it gives you some easy “linguistic triggers” that make women crave you and feel like they have “permission” to be sexual with you.
Another good thing about this program that I really liked was the fact that it’s not just a bunch of “theory”. Instead you get 33 specific tricks and techniques that you can use that signal to women that you “get it” so that they’ll open up, and so that you can bring their sexuality up to the surface.
The system is available online, so you can get access to it right away and there are Ebooks, audios, and videos so you can take your pick so far as how you want to absorb the material.
In addition to the main training there are also a bunch of bonuses including: “Unlocking The Threesome Code” which shows you how to get a woman curious about bringing a second girl into the bedroom (this is the best material on the topic I’ve seen), a bonus called “The Nice Guy’s Guide To Texting Dirty” that includes over 200 texts proven to turn women on, as well as a bonus about how to get a young lady interested in doing some experimental and naughty stuff with you in bed (this one is great if you end up dating a woman who is a bit shy about this sort of thing and you want to help her really let her beast out!)
Pros And Cons:
PRO 1) Not sleazy manipulation – When I was younger I bought a lot of programs on how to attract women, and while I learned some interesting things that have helped, I also found that a lot of the material that’s out there is really sleazy, and I couldn’t even use it because I would’ve felt like a creep. What’s good about this is that it shows you how women actually WANT you to talk to them, even if they don’t know on a conscious level or won’t admit it.
PRO 2) You will feel confident using this stuff – Probably the best thing about this program is the fact that it will make you feel very confident around women that you want to hook up with because you’ll know that you have a special language you can use to get her to open up and get turned on. And after you’ve used it and gotten good results, you’ll feel even more confident (Plus, you’ll be getting laid, so there’s that…)
PRO 3) The Lust Mirror Technique – I won’t go into all the details, but this is a great technique that you’ll learn in the program. Definitely use this one and see what happens!
CON 1) Not An Instant Cure – One thing that happens with a lot of guys is that they think that if they buy a program on something that it should automatically fix everything in there life. So don’t think that as soon as you get this that would will be jumping into your lap. It is a good program and it will help with that, but you need to go through the material and then actually get out and use it to get results.
CON 2) No Hard Copy – This is a pet peeve of mine. I work on the computer so I am looking at a screen all day, and I prefer books in the hard-copy format. Sure, there is an audio version, so you can listen at the gym or whenever you want, but I wish they made a physical version. I really wouldn’t mind paying the extra $20 or whatever if that was an option.
My Recommendation…
Over the past few years I’ve been through a ton of courses on attracting women, having better relationships and a better sex life, and Language of Lust is definitely one of the best of all time. Especially when it comes to getting women to want to open up and be sexual with you.
I’d recommend getting this system and picking just one of the 33 techniques and using it on a girl you already know or see around and are attracted to, I bet you’ll be surprised at how well it works on her!
Click Here for Instant Access to the Language Of Lust System!
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