Hello there. I’m back with a new review of a brand new system for attracting women called “Kinetic Attraction” from Adam Lyons.
This new system is all about using body language and “kinetic attraction principles” to get women to actually approach you. And it’s billed as 100% rejection-proof because you use non-verbal signals that are scientifically shown to trigger attraction in women because of human evolution!
This is a review – Click Here to visit the official Kinetic Attraction Website…
I was interested in checking out this program for a couple of reasons. For one thing I only like dating advice that is based on science and biology and that comes from a trusted source. And secondly, on a more personal note I recently became single again, and this sounded like the perfect thing to help me get back into the swing of things.
Approaching women has never been my favorite, so I’m always eager to find ways to get new women in my life without needing to go out there and risk rejection. Lets face it, this can be expecially hard after a break up or anytime your confidence isn’t at its peak.
In the review that follows I’ll quickly summarize what Kinetic Attraction is all about, then go over what exactly you get with the program and the key benefits, and then I’ll answer some common questions you may have about it…
Table of Contents
What Is Adam’s Kinetic Attraction Method All About?
Kinetic attraction is a home study course for guys looking to use scientifically validated kinetic attraction principles to trigger uncontrolled attraction and desire in women. By “uncontrolled” I mean that it is essentially involuntary – because it occurs at a level a woman isn’t conciously in control over. It’s not something she “chooses” to feel, but something she simply feels on a primal level.
The program was developed by Adam Lyons, who if you haven’t heard of this guy – he’s a dating coach with two hot live in girlfriends. Now I’m not exactly sure that would be my cup of tea, but it’s a pretty interesting little factoid, and I think its safe to assume that if this guy can get two attractive women to be cool with sharing him, then he probably has some stuff figured out that the average dude does not. And guys who aren’t getting hot women, or any women, want to learn this stuff – which is why guys with lots of dough are willing to pay him crazy amounts to work one-on-one with him.
Anyhow, Adam has been around for years refining and teaching this kind of material on attracting women. In this program you get video training where Adam breaks down specifically how to attract women so to the point where they are actually putting in the initial effort to approach you and try to get to know you. This is great because my own experience has shown me that when a girl approaches me first I almost always end up getting her to hang out, making out and hooking up. Whereas if I’m approaching her and doing all the work, statistically it doesn’t work out nearly as often.
What Exactly Do You Get & What Will You Learn?
The program is delivered through a members only section of the website where you get instant access to all of the training materials. The main part of the program is called “The Kinetic Attraction Method” where Adam teaches you how to leverage these proven Kinetic Attraction principles to attract women easily and get them to approach you.
Probably the most exciting part are the Kinetic Attraction video guides. Not only are they full of content that you can’t find anywhere else, but they are also fun to watch because you get to see Adam actually using these methods on very attractive women.
There are also some advanced videos in what’s called the “Body Language Academy” that goes into some high level body language techniques that some might even consider controversial.
Probably some guys out there may question how much of a difference body language actually makes when it comes to attracting women. But I can tell, again from personal experience that it makes a huge difference. I’ve been working on improving mine for years and years and this course really reinforces just how important it is.
In addition to the main course you also get a bunch of bonuses including: The F@ck Buddy Formula, which is – as you can probably guess, all about how to make a girl into your F-buddy so you can have sex with her all the time without needed a traditional dating relationship. There is also a training called “Take Her Breath Away” for those times you may wish to approach a girl simply because she didn’t notice you and you don’t want to miss your opportunity. There’s also a guide on Sexual Texting and a training called “Conversational Confidence” to help out when it comes to talking to chicks. Frankly its probably as good a guide as you’ll find on the subject, and the critically important part is that it teaches you the “5 Conversation Killers” that you will definitely want to avoid bringing up in conversation.
The last bonus training, and my personal favorite is called “Touch Her S-Spot” that’s about giving a woman squirting Os, and I highly recommend implementing this one as soon as possible! I busted this out last night and it was like I was at a water park, serious.
Kinetic Attraction Q & A:
Does Kinetic Attraction Actually Work?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
But in all seriousness, yes of course it works!* If it didn’t Adam would not we getting paid crazy sums by tons of rich sexless CEOs who come to him for help, and he wouldn’t have two hot live in girlfriends either. Seriously I think the only person who would say that this doesn’t work is some dude who doesn’t even try to use it because he’s such a pessimistic victim-mentality type. There are more very happy success stories you can read here.
Can This Work For Me If I’m Shy or Inexperienced?
Yes, I believe it can. As I mentioned above, I’m recently single, so although I consider myself “pretty good” with women, I’m extremely rusty and awkward at the moment, so I can totally relate to feeling shy around attractive women, and awkward making moves in this arena. The great thing about this method is that it doesn’t require you to risk rejection at all, which is key if you are shy. You basically just leverage the way women have evolved biologically to feel attraction, which is fantastic.
Anything Suck About Kinetic Attraction?
Umm. No, nothing sucks about it. Unless you think learning how to attract women using body language, facial expressions and that type of thing sucks.
What Are The Best Parts Of This System?
This may differ on a person to person basis, but I’ll tell you what I think are the best parts. For one thing I like the fact that it covers online dating. You might think that it would be impossible to use a system based on the science of kinetics online, but actually it is possible and it is probably the smartest thing you can do if you like meeting women online.
It’s also great to just have a simple system that you can use anytime you go out of the house to greatly increase how attractive you are to women and how many actually approach you. And then I also love the bonus on touching that S-Spot!
The Verdict:
This is fantastic program I’d recommend to any guy who wants to have more sex with more attractive women!
Click Here For Instant Access To Kinetic Attraction Now!
DISCLAIMER: *Individual Results May Vary.
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