Today’s post is a guest article from dating and seduction expert Jon Sinn, one of the few guys I recommend learning this kind of information from. In this article he explains a new science-based way to tell when women are horny and looking for action. If you are into chicks this is stuff you definitely want in your pickup arsenal.
Table of Contents
How To Read A Woman’s Mind When you Approach Her
Guest Post by Jon Sinn
Author of: The Science of Micro-Expressions Mini Course
As a man, you’ve probably wondered what a woman is thinking when you approach her. Maybe you saw her across a crowded bar on a Friday night. Or maybe she was walking past you on the street on a crowded Saturday morning. You saw her and you took action in approaching her, but now you’re thinking things like
“Does She Like Me?”
“Is this working?”
What if you could know exactly what a woman was thinking and feeling, simply by looking at her?
You can, with an amazing scientific discovery known as Microexpressions.
What are Microexpressions?
They are very fast ( about a ¼ of a second) flashes of emotion that human beings cannot fake or control. They were discovered by Dr Paul Eckman when he studied thousands of faces from around the world. Microexpressions have been taught and used by The FBI and other law enforcement agencies.
So how do you use this to read a woman’s mind?
First you need to learn to recognize when a microexpression is happening. This is fairly simple and can be done by studying a few simple pictures. The most important thing is to learn to recognize any changes in the face. This can happen across the entire face or in specific areas like the mouth or eyes. Simply by learning to look for changes in the face, you will start to recognize microexpressions and read faces better.
The second part of reading Microexpressions is learning to recognize the different kinds of emotions. There are 8 emotions overall that you will want to master, but for the sake of this article I’m going to talk about the 3 most important ones to look for.
The 3 most important Microexpressions to look for are:
1. Surprise
2. Happiness
3. Arousal
The first emotion to learn to recognize is surprise. Why is learning to recognize surprise so important? Because a lot of the time when we approach a woman (Especially during the day time) she is going to be surprised. Now surprised can look a lot like fear or disinterest. So a lot of guys make the mistake of leaving interactions with women because they thought they were not interested when really they were just surprised.
The second most important emotion to learn to recognize is happiness. We can all recognize a smile, but did you know that the smile is the most faked facial expression? Learning to recognize the real signs of happiness especially if a woman is playing hard to get or coy, can help you to keep going when you’re not sure if the girl is into you or not.
The last emotion is arousal. When a woman gets aroused not only do her pupils dialate (her eyes get bigger) but there is movement around the mouth and lower face in a pouting motion. I don’t think I need to explain to you why it could be helpful to recognize when a woman is turned on.
– Jon Sinn
When you know how to read micro-expressions in the way that Jon describes, it basically makes you completely REJECTION-PROOF because you know exactly when to approach her, ask her out, kiss her, etc.
You’ll never have to worry “what if she’s not into me” “is she ready to be kissed?” “will she talk to me if I approach?” Because you’ll know simply based on her micro-expressions.
And Jon, is making his entire “Science Of Micro-Expressions” multi-media course available for only $5.95 but ONLY for a limited time.
In the presentation, Jon Sinn reveals exactly how to read women’s micro expressions to know EXACTLY what they are thinking and what they want. Click Here for Instant Access
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