Have you ever gotten a chick’s phone number, but then she starts ignoring your texts and phone calls, and then you are never able to get her out on a date?
This kind of thing happens to guys all the time, and it sure is a let down, especially if she was a really hottie. But, fear not – because now there’s a brand new texting system called “HOW2TXTHER” that claims to reveal the secrets to texting women like a truly smooth ladies’ man…
This is a review – Click Here for the Official HOW2TXTHER Website (SPECIAL DISCOUNT Available Now!)
Now when first heard that there were texting guides for men, my first thought was to laugh. I’ve had a chance to check out a few of these things over the years, and typically they will tell you to send some really dorky stuff that probably works even worse than what you could come up with on your own. However, this HOW2TXTHER guide is from Christian Hudson, creator of the popular “Girlfriend Activation System“ (my most favorite dating guide of all time), so I decided I’d check it out, and write up a review to give you my comprehensive and unbiased opinion…
So, the following review is set up as follows – First, I’m going to briefly give you my thoughts on texting women, and some of the common pitfalls that you can fall into (I went on a little tangent in this part, so feel free to scroll down to the more “meaty” part of the review…)
Then I’ll give you a description of the product including a brief synopsis of what you get and a breakdown of the most important things that you will learn. Then I’ll give you some “pros and cons” to help you decide if this is something that might work for you, and I’ll finish up giving you my personal recommendation.
Let’s dive in…
Table of Contents
Why Do Men Need Guides Like HOW2TXTHER In The First Place?
As I mentioned, when I first heard that there were guides you could get to help you text women better, I was a bit skeptical about the whole thing. I totally get the need for “dating guides” where you can get pointers on picking up women, attracting women, getting an attractive girlfriend and so forth, and many of these guides have given me “gold nuggets” of girl getting wisdom that I have used over the years and benefited from immensely… But texting always seemed like a pretty straight forward thing to me.
My go to texting plan has always been to text the chick the next day, and ask her to come meet me. Assuming that she was into me when I got the number, the girl will eventually come meet up about 69% of the time.
That being said there are definitely situations that can arise where knowing exactly what to text her would come in handy. For example there are some girls who just seem to love ignoring texts! They just don’t respond, and when they do they try “testing” you, acting kinda bitchy, and basically making you jump through hoops like she is the prize and you are some chump! Oh hell no.
Now, one might say that you should just ignore her right back, but lets be honest fellas, usually these “hard to get” women are the super hot ones, so while “cutting her off” for bad behavior can sound like the right thing to do, its also often easier said than done.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to potentially unpleasant texting scenarios. There are also girls who will play coy over text and string you along indefinitely without ever making plans to meet up, these chicks are a nightmare!
Then there are those women who will get you all fired up, thinking that you are gonna get some, and then they totally flake out on you at the last minute and go AWOL.
I’ll stop now, but I think you get my point. If you are a single guy who gets numbers, then you know about these situations. And these situations are why we need a guide like HOW2TXTHER…
What You Learn And What You Get…
So, basically this guide gives you a step-by-step system that takes you from getting the number (Christian has a great “Girl Gets Number” technique for this btw) all the way to getting her in your apartment, stripping down and ready to go!
One of the key components is a set of “5 Magic Texts” that you send to make her really excited about meeting up with you. This 5 text series is probably the most important part of the system for a lot of guys, because its a straight forward game plan that you can follow anytime that you get a girl’s number. I don’t know about you, but it can be stressful when you aren’t sure what to do next, and you really don’t want to blow it. So this way you can stay relaxed and just work the system.
The program itself is delivered via an online members area. Basically you just log in, and you can watch all of the training modules and download the 93 page ebook that has all of the important stuff for you in a text format.
The content covers pretty much any texting situation you might find yourself in, from sending the perfect first text to getting her emotionally “invested” in you, to nipping “flakiness” in the bud.
And, if you ever run into a girl who behaves badly over text then you definitely have got to deploy one of Christian’s “flag on the play” texts and watch her attitude improve like you are some kind of all powerful emotional “puppet-master”. Haha, but seriously, these texts in particular are too good.
You also get 3 other training courses included free with HOW2TXTHER. This seems a bit unnecessary considering that there is a lot of content included in the main program, but you also get access to Christian’s “Endless Conversations” course, which I’ve already seen and is probably to best program there is about how to have free flowing natural conversations with women (perfect on dates etc.) You also get “The Art Of Seduction” which gives you a plan for getting her from coming back to your place to getting into bed. And probably the most exciting bonus is the new “Superpowers” training course which provides you with a collection of social “superpowers”.
There is a lot of stuff in here. My guess is that if you study all this, and implement, then you are probably going to have a much improved sex life.
HOW2TXTHER Pros And Cons:
PRO #1) Step-by-Step. As with Christian’s other programs this material is very well thought out and well organized. You don’t need to try to figure anything out, because it’s all laid out for you and super easy to follow.
PRO #2) Top expert on female psychology. Over the years I’ve followed a lot of dating advice gurus, and experts on dating and attraction, and Christian is by far at the top of this game. Not only does he have a super high level understanding of how the female mind works, but he also has a great way of teaching these concepts and techniques in a way that really sticks with you. And you know he walks the walk – his girl (and his previous ones) are straight up exotic models. Like “damn she FINE!!” type chicks. Christian, if you ever read this, props dude.
PRO #3) Get her to send nudie pics. I don’t know what it is, but when a new girl, who you’ve never been with before sends you a pic of herself in the bathroom mirror in a provocative pose, wearing nothing, or next to nothing – man its a great feeling! Now this might not be the most important “pro” for this program, but it is definitely a good thing. And if you have never experienced this before, then you need to make this happen. The technique is a thing of beauty!
PRO #4) It Works. As I mentioned, Christian is on point with his teachings. There is really no debate over this. He has taught thousands of men, and all this stuff has been tested and proven on thousands and thousands of women, so you can feel confident that it will work for you too. Of course you could be the exception to the rule, but considering that all of these methods are based on female psychology, I think its a safe bet that you will find that it works for you too.
PRO #5) Nothing weird. Another thing that I really like about Christian’s stuff is that its very “natural” in that you don’t need to do anything weird or outlandish. There’s no lame “pick-up artist” stuff, no weird NLP. You are just basically being yourself, interacting with women in a way that is very attractive and arousing to them based on their own psychology.
CON #1) Texting isn’t everything. While the material you’ll get in here on texting is very good in my opinion, just being a great “texter” isn’t going to solve all of your problems with women (assuming you have problems). After all, you need to be able to get her number in the first place, and you need to be able to behave in an attractive way around women so that once you get them to meet up they will want to stay around you, come over your place and so forth. That said, there is a lot of material on this stuff as well in the bonus sections.
My Recommendation…
If you are a guy who wants to know EXACTLY what to do after you get a girl’s number, so that you can get her in the sack and/or make her your girlfriend – then I highly recommend this system.
And, since it has just come out it is currently available at a steep discount, which makes it a total no-brainer if you are into dating hot women…
Click Here to Download HOW2TXTHER Now! (Special Limited Time Discount AVAILABLE NOW!)
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