Being a handsome dude is great, but the fact is, it takes a bit of work… You can’t just be a total slob and think you can let your natural handsomeness shine through.
If you want to get anywhere in life these days, you’ve got to know how to handle your manliness. And by that I mean, you better know how to properly groom yourself and keep your clothes and physique looking their best.
Special: 1 Weird Trick For Getting Ripped Fast!
Otherwise, you’re not going to get anywhere, not only with the ladies, but in your professional life as well.
Sure, there’s more that goes into being a handsome man that just keeping up on your grooming. You also want to maintain a lean fit body, with no man-boobs, and you want to dress like a stud too, of course. But hygiene and good grooming are the foundation for being a handsome man. If you aren’t well groomed then it won’t matter how well dressed you are or how sick your abs look, because nobody takes a sloppy un-groomed man seriously.
I’m looking forward to writing a detailed post on men’s fashion in the near future as this is a key component to cultivating your handsomeness, but for now here are some tips on how to be handsome by making sure that you’re well groomed and ready to take on all the challenges that life throws your way:
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Tip Number One: Keep Those Fingernails Clean And Clipped.
This is a mistake a lot of guys make. They think no one will notice their nails. Unfortunately, even if you’re impeccably dressed and well groomed, no one will look past unsightly and untrimmed nails. In particular women notice a guy with messy nails and it is a huge turn-off.
Tip Number Two: Trim Those Unsightly Nose Hairs!
This one is sort of a no-brainer guys. No one wants to be talking to you and notice that your nose hairs morph into your mustache. It’s really not something we should see in today’s civilized society.
Tip Number Three: Brush Those Teeth!
Let’s face it fellas. If you don’t brush your teeth (and floss too!) people will take notice, and not in a good way. If you want to keep your those pearly whites glistening, you’ve got to keep up on the dental hygiene. And, as with nail care, having a clean fresh mouth is particularly important if you are interested in locking lips with any sort of respectable female. No chick wants to be swapping spit with a guy with a who bunch of plaque and gingivitis. So don’t slack on your brushing, get an electric toothbrush and some floss and use those shits twice daily. It’s probably a good idea to get a cleaning every six months too.
Tip Number Four: Shave The Hair Off Your Ears!
You don’t want to walk around looking like an alien with long tendrils protruding from your ear holes, do you? No! You better trim those if you want to be accepted as an upstanding member of society.
Tip Number Five: Bath Regularly.
This may seem like common sense. But trust me, some dudes, just didn’t get the memo on this one. Body odor can be a serious impediment to your personal and professional life. My suggestion is to invest in some good smelling body wash and some type of an exfoliating scrub as well for deep cleaning your pores.
Getting these 5 things handled is the first step to being a handsome dude who attracts women and gets respect from his fellow man.
And, if you are like most guys and the reason you want to be handsome is so that you can attract yourself a sweet, feminine and beautiful girlfriend you may also want to check out this post I wrote on how to get a girlfriend when you are a full-grown adult man…
After doing some research I found that most of the information available about this subject online really sucks – and most of it is geared towards really young guys like college kids. Sure they need help too, but the fact is that there are a lot of guys out there in there 30s, 40s, 50s and so on who could use some pointers on how to find a great woman and make her fall in love with you.
Some guys a re weird about looking for help – but seriously dude – no shame in picking up some new pointers! So check out that article, be your handsomest self, and lets enjoy dating and even wifing some hot babes!
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