Do you find yourself struggling to attract women? Do you feel like you need to say all kinds of interesting things in order to make a good first impression?
If so, you’re not alone. Many guys feel this way. However, it’s actually possible to attract girls without talking, and let me tell you – it’s also a lot of fun. Seriously, having these skills can change your life.
Attracting women nonverbally allows you to get her excited about you before you even start having a conversation with her. I like to think of it as “priming the pump”, so when you start talking to her she’s already interested, which means that moving things forward will likely go a lot more smoothly.
In this post, we’ll discuss how to use your body language and other nonverbal signals to make an a killer first impression and attract women in different social situations.
We’ll also cover how to carry yourself like an attractive man and dress in a way that attracts women. So read on, and learn how to attract the girl of your dreams without saying a word!
Table of Contents
The Psychology of Nonverbal Attraction:
When we think about how to attract women without talking, we are talking about attracting her with “non-verbal attraction signals“.
This can include things like eye contact, facial expressions, posture, voice tone, and even scent. We send out these nonverbal signals unconsciously in order to attract mates, and the same is true for both men and women.
In general, research has shown that nonverbal communication is often more important than verbal communication when it comes to attraction.
This is because nonverbal signals are more difficult to fake, and they convey a lot of information about our emotions and intentions that words cannot. In other words, if you want to attract a woman, it’s important to pay attention to your nonverbal cues!
The Basics of Body Language & How To Use It To Attract A Woman
One of the most important things you can do to attract women without talking is to use your body language. Your body language can say a lot about you, and it can be used to send nonverbal signals that will attract women.
For example, standing up straight with your shoulders back and maintaining good eye contact will make you look confident, which is a very desirable quality in a man.
Additionally, smiling and making sure your facial expressions match the emotions you want to convey will make you appear more fun, approachable, non-threatening and friendly.
Of course, body language isn’t just about how you look to other people. It’s also about how you feel inside. If you’re nervous or insecure, it will show in your body language. Therefore, it’s important to work on building your confidence so that you can project an attractive image through your body language.
There are a few key things to keep in mind when using body language to attract women:
Stand Up Straight And Keep Your Shoulders Back.
This is one of the most important things to remember when you are out and about trying to attract girls. A lot of men slouch and carry themselves in and unattractive way which makes attracting females much more difficult than it needs to be.
Often this is due to a lack of self-confidence, because maybe a guy doesn’t feel good about his body for whatever reason. And while getting in shape and having a svelte physique is helpful when it comes to meeting women – but regardless of your body type, you will look much more confident and attractive If you remember to stand up straight and spread out the shoulders.
Make Sure Your Facial Expressions Match The Emotions You Want To Convey
For example, if you’re trying to look friendly, smile! It sounds simple, but a lot of guys forget to do this.
If your facial expressions don’t match the emotions you want to convey, it will be difficult to attract women as this comes off as highly incongruent.
It can take some practice, but learning how to express emotions physically is definitely worth the effort as it will pay great dividends.
Practice Slow, Controlled Body Movements
I kind of I hate the term “alpha male” because it is so overused in the world of dating advice. That’s said, research has proven that the men who get the most attention from beautiful women tend to display similar traits including limiting excess movements, keeping their movements controlled, breathing more deeply and walking slower.
It may seem crazy that if you simply walk slower, and take a deep breath before talking that you’ll be more appealing to a girl, But give it a try it actually works!
Use Open Alpha Male Body Language
Open body language is another key factor in attracting women without talking.
An “open” posture includes things like having your arms and legs uncrossed, standing with your chest open, and keeping your head up. This type of body language conveys confidence and dominance, which are attractive qualities in a man.
In contrast, we have closed body language – this includes things like crossing your arms and legs, standing with your chest closed, and looking down. This type of body language makes you appear insecure and submissive, which are not attractive qualities.
The basic thing to remember is not to be afraid to take up space. On the contrary feel free to spread yourself out with your feet shoulder width apart or greater and your arms resting in a comfortable manner.
Use Quality Eye Contact
They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and I believe this is a pretty accurate assessment because confident eye contact is definitely one of the most powerful things that you can do to make women curious about you and attracted to you I’m in animalistic sexual level.
One of the most powerful things you can do with your eye contact is simply to look at her in a confident way that displays a complete lack of fear or embarrassment about expressing your attraction for her.
Making and holding eye contact with a girl not only shows that you’re interested in her but it also shows that you are confident enough to stare into her eyes. However, you don’t want to stare too long or it will start to look creepy!
Later, when you are getting to know each other it is important to maintain eye contact to continue building your connection with her.
Now that we’ve covered the basics of body language, let’s move on to other nonverbal signals you can use to attract women without talking.
How To Dress For Success With Women

Another important way to attract women without talking is to dress in a way that is attractive to them. This doesn’t mean that you need to wear expensive clothes or designer labels. Instead, focus on dressing in a way that is clean, well-fitting, and stylish. Additionally, make sure your clothes are appropriate for the occasion.
For example, if you’re going to a casual event, like a bar or a party, you might want to consider wearing jeans and a nice shirt. If you’re going to a more formal event, like a business meeting or a wedding, it’s important to select appropriate attire. This means wearing nicer pants, a classy shirt, and a blazer or suit jacket.
No matter what you’re wearing, it’s also important to pay attention to the details. Wearing sharp looking shoes, or an interesting piece of jewelry is definitely something that women notice, and something that will help you stand out from other guys who have a very bland style.
On a related note, doing things like basic grooming such as trimming unsightly nose hair, shaving and maintaining well-managed hair will all help you to appear like a higher status more attractive man.
By dressing in an attractive way, you can send nonverbal signals that will attract girls without even saying a word!
Now that we’ve covered how to use your body language and dress to make women swoon, let’s discuss about how to use the environment to your advantage.
Social Proof: How To Use Your Environment To Your Advantage
As any dating coach will tell you one of the most effective ways to get a woman interested is to display social proof.
The basic idea is that you want her to see you interacting with other women, ideally beautiful women, whether they are your female friends, or just other random chicks at the bar, because this let her know I’m a subconscious level that other women value you and are happy to give you their attention.
This is powerful stuff! In fact, many guys who wonder how to attract women without talking, are shocked that women actually start approaching them when they go out to bars with other females.
It’s an incredibly effective way of getting a woman’s attention, because it not only shows that you’re a high-status man who other women are attracted to, but it also sends the signal that you’re a confident guy who isn’t afraid to talk to other women.
And the cool thing is that you don’t need a female entourage to make this work for you. For example, if you’re at a bar, you can choose to sit that gives you a good view of the room and makes it easy for people to approach you.
That way, other bar patrons both male and female will naturally engage in small talk with you. From across the room you will appear as a socially savvy guy who everyone wants to hang out with,.
Likewise, if you’re at a party, you can position yourself near the food or drink so that people have to talk to you to get something. She will have no idea that you are doing this intentionally, And simply assume that you must be a big deal.
More Non-Verbal Tips & Tricks For Making Yourself More Attractive To Women
There are a few other non-verbal tricks you can use to make yourself more attractive to women. For example, once you start talking to a woman, you can try mirroring her body language. This means copying the way she is standing or sitting.
Additionally, you can try using props to your advantage. For example, if you’re at a bar, you can hold a drink in your hand to make yourself look more approachable.
Finally, remember that confidence is key! By exuding confidence through your body language and nonverbal cues, you will be much more likely to have girls ready to eat out of the palm of your hand before you even open your mouth!
What To Do When You Approach A Woman And Start Talking To Her
I know, this post is about how to attract women without talking to them, but if you want to date her, sleep with her, etc… Then you are going to need to start chatting at some point!
But don’t worry, this really is not as difficult as it may sound, so don’t worry.
You certainly don’t need to worry about coming up with the perfect opening line, or do any kind of weird pick up artist nonsense when it comes time to start conversations with women.
When you approach her, the number one thing to keep in mind is to make sure to have a positive attitude and an upbeat vibe. This will help put her at ease and make it easier for both of you to have a conversation.
Remember, if you have done everything else correctly and sent the right visual cues then she’s interested already, all you need to do is let her know that you are a friendly guy who is not afraid to make the first move.
There’s no need to make it complicated. In many instances you can say just a few words to open up the lines of communication and she will take it from there because she is already attracted to you.
When you start talking to her, make sure to ask her questions about herself. This will help you get to know her better and show that you’re interested in her.
Additionally, try to keep the conversation light and fun. Talk about things that you have in common or shared interests.
In Conclusion…
I hope you have enjoyed this post on how to attract women without talking. By following these tips, you can easily start using the power of non-verbal attraction to meet girls on a daily basis.
Let me tell you, knowing that you are able to pick up girls in all kinds of social situations, without even talking will give you a great sense of magnetic confidence.
It can greatly improve your life and your friends will be jealous and in shock when they watch you putting these nonverbal methods to work!
Just remember that once you’ve attracted a girl you should continue using your body language and nonverbal skills to keep her attraction for you going strong.
To learn even more about using body language to get women on your jock check out my review of Kate Springs Obsession Method here, it’s like a full-blown step-by-step system for improving your dating and sex life using non-verbal communication.
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