As men, none of us want to get old and weak. I think its safe to say that all of us would like to be able to maintain the energy, stamina, and sexual power that we had as young guys. But how is this accomplished?
This is a a subject I’ve been interested in for quite a while now, and I’ve done a lot of research, and tried a lot of products. Today, I’m going to talk about a new product I found called “5G Male” that I think is pretty unique and may potentially be what you are looking for to help you improve in this area…
This is a review – Click here for the official Supernatural Man Website (Special Discount on 5G Male PLUS Available Now)
For starters I should say that I am naturally VERY skeptical when it comes to “male-health” supplements. I mean lets be serious here – if you’ve ever been to an adult website then you know that there are tons of eye-catching advertisements for products that claim to help you get “rock-hard” or to “go all night” and that kind of thing – and they are mostly all total BS!
On the other hand, I’ve seen some real benefits from incorporating HIGH-END supplements into my daily health regime. I’ve even gone so far as to work one-on-one with holistic nutrition experts to help me fine-tune my diet and supplementation strategies… And as a result I know for a fact that the right supplements can make a lot of difference in a person’s life.
That all being said, let’s jump into talking about the 5G Male product, and my personal opinion on it.
Table of Contents
What Makes Supernatural Man’s 5G Male Supplement Different From Similar Men’s Health Products?
There are actually several things about this 5G product that I feel make it totally unique compared to anything else on the market, but I’ll start by focusing just on the most important ones…
First, it focuses on something that we know actually works to improve penis function – your vascular system. The ingredients have been shown in numerous research studies (visit the official website for citations) to improve blood flow. And we all (hopefully) know that this is what causes erections. You need to be able to get the blood flowing down there, and unlike the little blue pills which are only a temporary solution (at best) the idea with 5G Male is to improve your vascular system so that you can get the blood flowing down there naturally anytime you want.
Second – super high production standards. As I mentioned I’m pretty serious when it comes to my nutrition, and I am very careful about what kind of fuel and supplements I put in my body. The great thing about 5G is that their product is manufactured following very strict GMP guidelines, and only includes very high quality non-GMO ingredients from safe, regulated sources. I won’t go into details on the certifications they have and all of that. But just rest assured that these guys are crossing their Ts and dotting their Is when it comes to production. And it’s made right here in the USA, so when I say it’s regulated, it’s regulated in America, not China!
What Are The Ingredients In 5G Male?
I’ve posted the ingredients list below so you can see exactly what’s in it. The thing I think is most fascinating is that the key ingredients were discovered by Dave Cummings (the adult actor) AKA Dave Conors while he was serving in the Vietnam war and was stuck in the jungle eating traditional Vietnamese cuisine.
I love Asian food myself, so it is cool to learn that ingredients like Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, Ginkgo, and Green Tea can actually help me to have harder and long lasting erections!
The part the really amazed me is that while all of these foods have been shown to provide specific benefits because of the chemical compounds they contain, they can apparently have a much more profound effect when they are taken together, at the proper dosage, so that they can work synergy with each other.
(Note: While Dave Cummings is credited with discovering the power of combining the key ingredients in 5G male, Ryan Masters and the professional researchers at Supernatural Man are the ones who have refined the formula.)
Does Supernatural Man’s Male Performance Enhancer Actually Work?
In addition to Dave Cummings – who has sworn by these ingredients for decades – there have been numerous success stories that have come from guys taking the 5G product. Apparently men who had been suffering from serious erection problem have been able to achieve healthy wood and go on to pleasure the women in their lives as a result! I obviously wasn’t there with these guys to validate these claims but there are many guys raving about the results that they’ve been getting, and many of them have been posted on the company website here.
I’m also extremely confident that every one of these detailed success stories is 100% true and honest. There is serious government oversight when it comes to this kind of thing, so the company is only going to publish honest and real results from customers (especially since they are a US company who answer to US regulators!)
Pros & Cons:
PRO 1) Safe Ingredients & High-End Production: As I mentioned earlier this one is super important to me. Unfortunately there are some “bad herbs” out there that people get super hyped up over because they seem exotic, but then later it turns out that they are actually dangerous. One good thing about 5G is that all the ingredients are things that have been tested and studied for many, many years – and consumed and used in traditional medicine for centuries! Furthermore the company sources its ingredients from the best available non-GMO sources and adheres to the highest production standards, which is again something that I find critically important.
PRO 2) Scientifically Backed Formula: Another positive note is that in addition to individual results that could be somewhat subjective, there have also been a ton of research studies done on the ingredients in 5G Male. Many of these studies apparently show that these ingredients can have very significant effects. I’m not any kind of scientist myself, but there definitely seems to be a strong correlation between these studies saying that these ingredients work, and customers reporting that they work as well outside of the laboratory!
PRO 3) Helpful Bonus Material: One thing that really surprised me about this product was the fact that when you order it they also send you (free of charge) a ton of extra bonuses along with it. The exact bonus package may change in the future, but at the time of this post you get the “5G Enhancement Bible” which includes a bunch of interesting tips and techniques for getting the hardest, longest lasting erections possible. A “black book of sex” called “Magic Words That Drive Her Wild” which is basically a collection of seductive “dirty talk” lines. The “Text To Sex” Course which includes word-for-word texts to get your woman turned on and super horny. An uncensored video called “Female Confessions” where eight women confessions about what they really want in bed. “Become Supernatural: Extreme Sexual Performance Secrets” with Playboy Radio host and sex expert Jessica J. (this chick is hot!) and more… So that’s not something you get when you order an ordinary supplement 🙂
PRO 4) Guaranteed Satisfaction & 24/7 Customer Service: Again this is something nice that comes from dealing with a US based company who is in it for the long-haul. The Supernatural Man company clearly cares about keeping it’s customers happy and maintaining a very positive reputation, and therefore has a generous satisfaction guarantee, and a phone number you can call 24 hours a day for any reason you can think of.
CON 1) Not the cheapest. On the price spectrum, 5G Male is not exactly what you’d call cheap. That being said, I don’t like putting cheap garbage into my body, which is why I go with high-end supplements like 5G rather than some cheapo Chinese crap! In the end you get what you pay for, and I think most guys (myself included) value their health and are willing to pay for it.
My Recommendation…
If you are a man who wants the most highly functioning penis possible, then 5G Male is definitely, in my opinion, worth giving a try. Not only is there a ton of scientific research saying that these ingredients work to improve blood flow, but there are also a ton of guys are reporting amazing results. Even Dave Cummings (who is almost 70) uses it to stay at the ready to handle his business! With the satisfaction guarantee, this is a pretty easy thing to recommend…
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